Monday, November 23, 2009

Life over the past month...

Ford got his first haircut on Halloween day. I forgot to blog about it, but his rat tail is officially gone:( He looks more liek a big boy, and Miss Allison did and wonderful job! He did very well while getting it cut, and especially enjoyed the clippers shaving the little hairs on his neck....I guess the vibration felt good to him!no more rat tail!

Ford also had his 15 month check up this month. He did so well, even after getting 4 shots! Here are his stats:

25 lbs. 13 oz. (70%)

31 3/4" in length (70%)

19 "head circumference (80%)

Here are a few pics of Ford wearing his new Titans jersey and playing in the leaves! He loves being outside:)

Also, Ford had a cousin born on November 16th. His name is Noah Hyten! Congrats to his parents Keylee and Tyler. He is a precious little boy!

One of my besties and her hubby just built a house. Congrats to Sam and David on their first home! They are so excited!


Elliott and Cherry Wood said...

the pictures of his first hair cut are so cute!! Lofton was BORN with a rat tail, so Elliott and I chopped that off a couple of days after we brought him home..we'll probably regret that once all of his hair falls out and all he has left is a crooked hairline at his neck :)

Julie said...

Ford's new haircut is so cute!