Ford is doing so many things at 9 months. I know I will forget to write down alot of the in this post.
At 9 months....
crawls everywhere
knows how to play with our dog Izzi, pulls her toy around and she will chase it
has a fake laugh that he likes to listen to himself do
eats 3 meals of babyfood and/or table food/day
still wakes up one time during the night to eat...but sleeps about 10-11 hours total
takes two naps a day
loves his grandfathers...b-daddy and papa
is very very busy
loves vanilla wafers
smiles alot...a whole lot!
lays his head on your chest when he is tried
has four teeth
starting to pull up on certain things
talks constantly
says dada and occassionally mama
waves bye bye and hello
He is the happiest baby I know. He definitely knows how to get his way. Although he is beginning to understand what no means. He also will pucker his bottom lip out and begin crying if he gets his feelings hurt. I don't know how much more fun he can get. I could literally eat every moment up! We love you Ford!
Happy 9 months!!! Time does fly! If only they could stay little longer:)
He is such a cutie!
Just remember to always take lots of pictures....they don't stay little long.
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